python split sentence into words

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showing results for - "python split sentence into words"
04 Jan 2021
1sentence = 'Hello world a b c'
2split_sentence = sentence.split(' ')
30 Jan 2021
1def split(word):
2    return [char for char in word] 
4word = "word"
6#output: ["w", "o", "r", "d"]
12 Jul 2016
1text= "I am Batman"
2splitted_text= text.split()
01 Jan 2018
1>>> mary = 'Mary had a little lamb'
2>>> mary.split('a')                 # splits on 'a'
3['M', 'ry h', 'd ', ' little l', 'mb'] 
4>>> hi = 'Hello mother,\nHello father.'
5>>> print(hi)
6Hello mother,
7Hello father. 
8>>> hi.split()                # no parameter given: splits on whitespace
9['Hello', 'mother,', 'Hello', 'father.'] 
10>>> hi.split('\n')                 # splits on '\n' only
11['Hello mother,', 'Hello father.']
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