python stopwatch

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showing results for - "python stopwatch"
Juan Diego
04 Jan 2020
1# Create a stopwatch
3# Import a module called as time
5import time
7# create all the variables
9day = 0
10hour = 0
11min = 0
12sec = 0
14# Display the headings
16print("D - H - M - S")
19# Create an infinite loop
21while True:
23    # Create the main part of the stopwatch
25    time.sleep(1)
27    if sec == 59:
28       sec = -1
29       min = min + 1
31    sec = sec + 1
32    if min == 60:
33        min = 0
34        hour = hour + 1
36    if hour == 24:
37        hour = 0
38        day = day + 1
39    print(day, "-", hour, "-", min, "-", sec)
13 Jan 2016
1import time
2import sys
4time_start = time.time()
5seconds = 0
6minutes = 0
8running = True
10while running:
11    try:
12        sys.stdout.write("\r{minutes} Minutes {seconds} Seconds".format(minutes=minutes, seconds=seconds))
13        sys.stdout.flush()
14        time.sleep(1)
15        seconds = int(time.time() - time_start) - minutes * 60
16        if seconds >= 60:
17            minutes += 1
18            seconds = 0
19    except KeyboardInterrupt as e:
20        running = False
25 Feb 2020
1import time
3time_to_stop = 10 #seconds
4for x in range(1, time_to_stop+1):
5    print(x)
6    time.sleep(1)
16 Nov 2020
1 1 #
2 2 
3 3 import time
4 4 from reader import feed
5 5 
6 6 def main():
7 7     """Print the latest tutorial from Real Python"""
8 8     tic = time.perf_counter()
9 9     tutorial = feed.get_article(0)
1010     toc = time.perf_counter()
1111     print(f"Downloaded the tutorial in {toc - tic:0.4f} seconds")
1313     print(tutorial)
1515 if __name__ == "__main__":
1616     main()
05 Oct 2016
3import time
5now = time.time()
6future = now + 10
7while time.time() < future:
8    # do stuff
9    pass
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