showing results for - "react get method"
27 Jan 2021
1Component with Data
2class App extends React.Component {
3  constructor(props) {
4    super(props);
5    this.state = {
6      items: [],
7      isLoaded: false,
8    };
9  }
11  componentDidMount() {
12    fetch('')
13      .then(res => res.json())
14      .then(result => {
15        this.setState({
16          isLoaded: true,
17          items: result
18        });
19      });
20  }
22  render() {
23    const { items } = this.state;
24    if (!isLoaded) {
25      return <div>Loading ... </div>;
26    } else {
27      return (
28        <ul>
29          { => (
30            <li key={}>
31              <h3>{item.title}</h3>
32              <p>{item.body}</p>
33            </li>
34          ))}
35        </ul>
36      );
37    }
38  }
40Fetching Data - Ha
01 Mar 2020
1/* React get method.  */
4    fetch('/getcurrencylist',
5    {
6        /*
7        headers: {
8          'Content-Type': 'application/json',
9          'Accept':'application/json'
10        },
11        */
12        method: "get",
13        dataType: 'json',
14    })
15    .then((res) => res.json())
16    .then((data) => {
17      var currencyList = [];
18      for(var i=0; i< data.length; i++){
19        var currency = data[i];
20        currencyList.push(currency);
21      }
22      console.log(currencyList);
23      this.setState({currencyList})
24      console.log(this.state.currencyList);
25    })
26    .catch(err => console.log(err))
27  }
Diego Alejandro
05 Apr 2020
1import React, { Component } from 'react';
2class App extends Component {
3  constructor(props) {
4    super(props);
5    this.state = {
6      data: null,
7    };
8  }
9  componentDidMount() {
10    fetch('')
11      .then(response => response.json())
12      .then(data => this.setState({ data }));
13  }
14  ...
16export default App;
queries leading to this page
insert fetch data to state variable reactfecth in reactfetch using in reactfetch on reactjsfetch in react jspulling data from service in reactreact get method from componentreact simple fetch examplefeth api reathow to fetch rest api in react jshow to fetch data from api on server reactjsfetch api react js ondidmountfetch in reacthow to fetch data from a link using react jsapi get request react jspokazat data c local json faila ispolzuya fetch in reacthow to call api in react jshow to display data from fetch api in react jsapi fetch reactdifferent in react fetchreact fetch json datafetch data from backend api in reactmake a request and using it reactreact loading data from apifetching data in reactjscall api in reactreactjs api fetchreact fetch get examplefetching in reactreact js fetch get exampleget api data in react jshow to load api in reactreact fetch in my jsonhow to access api in react jsreactjs fetch json apiapi fetches reactreact import get data from database on every 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once component is done mountinghow to get data from backend in reactcomponentdidmount fetch react api examplereact component did mount api call 60https 3a 2f 2fjsonmock hackerrank com 2fapi 2fmovies 60request json data reactuse react with apihow to make fetch call in react fetch syntax reacthow to use api in reactjsfetchdata 28 29 reacthow to make fetch request with reactreact with api fetchreact resources apihow to fetch json data in reactapi reacthow to use api in react js languagehow to make a service call in react js 3fhow to perform a get request reactfetching an api in reactfetch react javascriptfetch get method in reactreact fetch data from json apifetch api in order reactusing fetch api in reactget fetch request in reactreact http request tutorialhow to call fetch api in statehow to make api call in reactreact web apisfetch call in reactreact js fetch urlfetch api componentdidmounthow should i write a fetch method in react jsreact responsewhere do you make fetch requests in reactreact return fetch datahttp request reactjsget server response 3f data 26 26 getuserdetail responsedata 26 26 react jsreact where fetch datafetch data on load reactfetch data from server reactfetch 28 29 in react jsreact use of components and fetch apihow to integrate api in react jshow to fetch data from api in reactget data from api reactjsfetch data with reactusing fetch url in reactreact get url fetch api usage in reactfetch react jsonhttp request reactfetch 28 29 then 28 29 reactreact fetchingreact fetch data from api and returnreactjs http requestrender data from api reactreact requestwhich react lifecycle method to fetch datahow to fetch from url in reactfetch data in reactjsfetch data with react servicefetch api in class componentget request reactjsreactjs fetch datareact fetch 28 29react get data from database on every componentrest api fetch reacthow to make api request in reactfetch from data in react jsapi like fetch for reactreact fetch data from urlconnect to an api 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to fetch data from database reactjsfetch requestt in reactwhat is fetch and how to use it in reactreact http get requestwhat is fetch in react jsfetch tutorial reactjsget method in reactfetch then example componentdidmounthow to use fetch reacthow to send state data in api in react jshow to get method in reactjshow to fetch data in componentdidmountlist api json reacthow to fetch data from server in reactrender api data reactrendering api data in reacthow to get a request in reactjsapi fetch in react jsvaluefetcher reactreact add api fetch data to statehow to get data from api reactreact fetch result react js fetch apisave fetch data in reactfetch then reactreact read apicomponent did mount fetch exampleget data from api using reactget method react jsreact fetch then jsonreact js with fetch apifatch in reactapi example in reactusing fetch in react to get datafetch data from api reactcall api from react componenthow to use api from reactfetch method reactjfetch api reactget http 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callshow to use api in react in react jscall a api in reactreact http requestreact request data from a class componentreact api fetchreact js how to use fetch in appfetch requests in jsxhow do i get data from api to react 3freact js api integrationhow to add an api to react fetch reactfetching api in reactreact fetch examplereact making a get requesthow to return jsx after fetching datausing fetch with reactcan fetch be used with react jsreact fetch function to calculatewhere do you fetch datareact fetch data from backendfetch react returnfetch javascript reactdata fetch react class componenthow to fetch data from api in react jswhat files should fetch api be in reactreact display data from en endpointreact on https making api callsreact httpconnect api to reactapi service react exmaplehow to add api in react jsbest method to fetch with react jsreact fetching data from apihow to fetch data from backend in reacthow do get fetch to work in react jscreate react app fetchfetch react syntaxreact fetch data on loadperform http request with reacthow to load api in react jshttp service library reactreact what should this be in a fetch 28 29 3ffetching data with fetch api and componentdidmounthow to use fetch in react jsreac js fethreact fetch api then calling backend using fetch in reactfetch locations in reactwhere to fetch api in reactreact calling apihow to make api calls from reactreact class component api fetch on mountreact fetch get with datawhat does fetch do in reacyfetch json api reactreact api call tutorialreactjs fetch examplefetch react using get requestbasic api call in reacthow to fetch json data from api in reactjsreact components where to fetch datareactjs fetchcomponentdidmount fetch datareact componentdidmount fetchfecth reacthow to render fetched data reactcatch a nd display data in reactget request in react examplemake http request in reactbasic fetch request in reactreact request fetchfetch then catch reactfetch api call in react jsuse componentdidmount to fetch datawhy fetch api in componentdidmountreact get request examplereact load dta from apireact use apihow to add your api in reactreact how use fetch to get datafetch import reactreact fetch does not get all values from state into requestfetch inside componentdidmountgetting response in 5c reactfetch data in componentdidmount reactreact http gethow to make api from react jshttp get from reactreact get data from urljs react fetch requetapi get in reactwrite fetch in componentdidmountthis fetchdata reactfetch react get reqeustfetch data from an api reactloading component react after fetch datahow to fetch a list of data from api in reactreactjs fetch api exampleusing componentdidmount to fetch an apireact do api call then do other call with response aios react fetching data from apiresponse reactjsreact get method