third highest salary in sql

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showing results for - "third highest salary in sql"
23 Sep 2019
1SELECT TOP 1 salary
4FROM #Employee
6) AS temp
7ORDER BY salary
13 Apr 2019
Juan Diego
05 May 2018
7Here is the solution for nth highest
8salary from employees table 
01 Nov 2018
1SELECT MAX(salary) FROM Employee WHERE Salary NOT IN ( SELECT Max(Salary) FROM Employee);
24 Aug 2019
1Here is the solution for 3rd highest
2salary from employees table 
23 Jan 2020
1SELECT ename,sal from Employee e1 where 
2        N-1 = (SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sal)from Employee e2 where e2.sal > e1.sal) 
queries leading to this page
2nd highest salary from employee tablesql query 5th highest salaryfind 2nd highest salary in sql using rownumhighest salary query in sqlsql query to find details of highest salaryhow to write the inner query to get the max salryfinf the 3rd highest salary using sqlmysql 3e select min 28salary 29 from user where salary in select salary from user order by salary desc 3bsql query find second highest salaryhow to find second max salary in sql2nd hioghest salary using rank functionfind the largest 7 th salary in sql queryhow to find second highest salary in sql using subqueryn max salary in sqlhow to find minimum salary in sqlsql query to find n highest salaryselect second highest salary sql problem online2nd max salary in sqlget the 3rd highest salary sqleasiest way to find nth highest salarymysql query to get second highest salaryfind nth max salary in sqlhow to get max salary in each department in sqlselect 5th highest salary in sqlwrite a query to determine the nth 28say n 3d5 29 highest purch amt from orders table second highest salary querynth max salary in sqlnth highest salary mysql5th maximum salary sqlsql query to find 5th highest salaryhow to fetch third highest salary in sqlmax salary in sqlhow to find the third highest salary in sqlfind 4th highest salary in sqln highest salary in mysqlselect max salary sql second highest salary of an employee sqlquery to get 2nd highest salarywrite a sql query to get the third highest salarysecond highest record in sqlhow to get second max salary in sqlto find the 3rd highest salary from employees in sql db query to find 2nd highest salarylist the highest salary in sqldetermine the 5th highest salary without using top or limit method find the n highest salary in sqlthird higher salary sqlsql query to find the person with the third highest salaryhow to find last 2nd highest salary in sqldifference highest lowest salary sqlfind second max salary in sqlsql query for second largest salarysql query to find second max 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the 2nd highest salarysql query to find second maximum salaryhighest lowest salary sqlsql query to find second highest salary with out using max 28 29 aggregator operator sql query for max salaryhow to calculate the second highest salary in sqlwrite an sql query to find out the second highest salary from an employees table nth maximum salary in sqlget the second highest salary in sql 3a find 5th largest salary in a given salary table how to get the 2nd highest salary in sqlsql queries for highest salarywrite a sql query to print highest salary in 3 consecutive yearshow to get 2nd lowest salary in sql3rd max salary sql queryprint second and third highest salary in sqlwrite a sql query to print highest salary in consecutive yearswrite an sql query to find 2nd highest salary in the given table third highest salary sqlget 3rd highest salary in sqlhow to find second highest salary in sql without using corelated queryfind third highest salary in sql serverhow to find the second highest number in sqlhow to get 3rd highest salary in sqlhow to nth highest salary in sqlsecond highest salary in sql sqselect 3rd highest salary in sql4th highest salary in sqlhow to get second maximum salary in sqlhighest salary in sqlquery for second highest salary in sqlhow to find the 3rd highest salary in sqlsql get third highest salaryhow to select third highest salary in sqlnth highest salary sql querysql query for third highest salaryfind 2nd rank in sqlsql query to find 5th largest salary candidatesecond highest salary sql queryfind the third highest salary in sqllist the employees with the heighest salaryselect 2nd max salary in sqlsql qury to get the second highest salaryhow to find max paid salary in sqltop earning employee mysql querysql find 3rd highest salaryhighest second salary in sqlsecond nth highest salary in sqlhow to get second highest salary using limit in sql4th maximum salary using subquerywrite an sql query to show the second highest salary from a table how to print 2nd and 3rd highest salary in sqlselect 5th highest salary in mysqlcalculate nth highest salary sqlget 2nd highest salary in sql4 th max salary sql commandsql server employee highest salary by departmentsql query to find third highest salary of employeehow to find 3rd max salary in sqlsql query to find second highest salary 3fsecons hiest salary in sql without limitget nth salary sql serversecond maximum salary in sqlsql queries for second highest salaryget highest salary in sqlsql query on finding the second highest salary from the employee table calculate 2nd highest salary sqlsql select get 3rd highest salaryhow to find a third and 6 highest salary in sql query2nd maximum salary in sqlsql query to get second highest salary using sub query10th highest salary in sqlhow to get second highest salary in sqlsql query to select 2nd highest salaryselect max salary in sqlhow to get second highest salary using sqlhow to only get the highest salary in sqltop second highest salary in sqlto find second highest salary in sql2nd and 3rd highest salary in sqlto find 2nd highest salary in sqlnth highest salary in sql using ctesql query to find second highest salarythird highest or second highest salary query4 highest salary in sqlsecend highest salary sql queryhow to get the third highest salary orm in sqlwrite a query to figure out the highest employee salary the column is 27salary 27 find third max salary in sqlhow to select highest salary in sqlget third highest salary in sqlhow to find top 3 salary in mysqlsql server 3rd highest salarynth highest salary in sqlsecond highest sqlthird max salary in sqlhow do you 2nd highest salary in sqlquery to find maximum salary of employee in sqlfirst max salary in sqlfind second highest salary using limit in sqlsql query to find second highest salary of employeehow to get the highest salary from the employee table in sqlthird highest salary in sql using rownumhow to find the second biggest salary sqlhow to print 2nd highest salary in sqlhow to get third highest salary in sqlhow to second highest salary in sqlselect second max salary from sqlquery to find 2nd largest salary in sqlselect max salary from employee tablehow to get the third highest salary in sqlthird hightest sql logicselect 2nd highest salary in sqlhow to find the second largest number in sqlfourth highest salary in sqlhow to get the second highest salary in sqlsql query to find 2nd highest salary2nd highest salary in sqlq how to get the second highest salary using sql 3fgetting second highest salary in sql write an sql query to determine the 5th highest salary without using top or limit method find the highest salary in sqlhow to calculate second max salary in sqlsecond highest salary in sql querythird highest salary in sqlget max salary in sqlsecond max salary query in sqlsql get 3rd highest salaryhow to find the tenth highest salary in sqlsecond highest in sqlget third highest salary using max 28 29 in sqlsql 4th highest salery2nd highest salary sqlselect max salary record sqlfind 2nd max salary in sqlselect 3rd highest salary in sql practicefind the second highest salary in sqlfind second max salary query sqlsql 2nd highest salarysql second highest salarysql query for 2nd lowest salary2 max salary in sqlselect second highest salary in sql without using maxsql nth highest salaryfind nth highest record in sqlwrite a sql query to get the third highest salary of an employee from employee table 3f3rd largest salary in sqlsecond max salary in sql serverhow to get fifth highest salary in sqlhow to find 2nd max salary in sqlfind 2nd highest salary in sqlhow to find 3rd highest salary in sqlhow to give find second highest salary in sql as second highest salaryfind 3rd maximum salary in sqlfind second highest salary in sqlhow to know the 4th highest salary in sqlsql query to find highest salarysecond largest salary in sqlget second highest salary in sql using ctethird highest salary in sql using limitsecond largest in sqlhow to find the second highest salary in sqlwrite the query to get the 2nd highest salary in sql n highest salary in sql2 highest salary in sqlget the 2nd highest salary in sqlhow to find top 2 highest salary in sqlwrite a query to find third highest salary in sqltop 3rd salary in mysqlthird highest salary of employee in sqlsecond largest salary sql by maxsecond highest salary codehow to find max salary in sqlsecond highest salary from salary colun sql commandfind highest salary in sqlfinding the third highest salary in sqlselect second highest salary in sqlsql query to get second highest salaryhighest salary in sql querysql second highest salary of employeesql select 2nd max salary3rd highest salary in sql using joinhow to select 2nd highest salary in mysqlsql highest salaryselect highest salary from table in sqlselect 2nd highest salary in mysqlhow to get nth number in sqlget second max salary queryhow to find second highest salary in sql using limitsql query for getting second highest salaryhow many tuples will be retrieved by using following query on given table 3fselect max 28emp sal 29 from employee group by dept no 3b 2asecond highest salary fastest3rd highest salary in sql serversql find second highest salarysql third highest salarysecond largest mysqlsql query to find out highest salary from theget second highest salary from query sqlget second highest salary of a particular department sqlhow to find third max salary in sqlreturn 3rd highest salary from employee table in sqlprint second highest salarysecond largest salary sqlquery for 2nd highest salary in sql3rd max salary in sqlfinding second highest salary in sqlhow to find third highest salary in sql3rd maximum salary in sqlhow to get salary from another table in sqlhow to get 2nd highest salary in sql using join5 highest salary in sql2nd maximum salary in sql serverfind second largest salary sqlmax 3rd salary sqlhow to get 3rd max salary in sqlhow to 2nd highest salary in sqlhow to give find second highest salary in sqldisplay third highest salary in sqlhighest second salary in sql using limitfind the person with 2nd highest salary sql3rd height salary sql4th maximum salary using subquery in mysqlthird maximum salary in sqlsql query to display second highest salarythird minimum salary in sqlhow to find the second maximum salary in sqlget second highest salary in sqlfind nth largest salary in sqlfind third highest salary and third lowest salary in sqlselect second highest salary in sql with other datasql command to find second highest salarysql select second highest salarysecond last highest salary in sqlfind second second highest salary in sql3rd highest salary in sql write a sql query to find the second highest salary from employees table how to find 3nd highest salary in sqlsql query to get third highest salaryhow to find 10th highest salary in sqlsql select highest salarysql server third highest salaryhow to find 2nd largest salary in sqlthird largest salary in sqlmysql 2nd highest salarysql query to find nth highest salarysql query to second highest salaryhow to find second highest salary in sql2nd highest salary in sql using limitfind nth highest salary in sqlhow to get highest salary in sql serverreturn 2nd hightst value in sqlfind second largest salary in sqlnth largest number sql querysql query second highest salarysecond lowest salary in sqlsecond highest salary in sql serverhow to find the second max salary in sqlselect second max salary in sqlhow to get 3rd maximum salary in sqlfind 3rd max salary in sql using limithow to get 2nd and rd highest salary in sqlquery to find 2nd highest salarylowest salary in sqlhow to find 5th highest from sqltop 2nd highest salary in sql2nd largest salary in sqlget top 3 highest salary in sql without window functiondisplay 3rd highest salary in sqlfind third highest salary in sqlsql query for second highest salaryselect 5th highest salary in sql serversecond max salary in sqln highest salary in sql in big query find second maximum salary in sqlcalculate 3rd highest salary sqlmaximum salary in sqlnth highest salary in sql serverorder by second highest salary in sqlquery to get nth highest salaryfind the 2nd highest salary in sqlsql query to get the 3rd highest salaryquery to select the 5th largest salary from the employee tablehow to find highest salary in sqlsql server 2nd highest salarysql 3rd highest salarygetting 4th highest salary in sqlhow to find second largest salary in sqlmax 3 salary in sqlsql query to find the employee with the second highest salarysql query to find 2nd largest salary without using sub querywrite a query to find nth highest salaryhow to get 2nd highest salary in sqlhow to find out 3rd highest salary in sqlprint fourth highest salary in sqlfind the third max salary in sqlsecond highest salary in sql using rownumselect the highest salary in sql querysql query for 2nd max salarysql query to find the second highest salarysecond minimum salary sql queries2nd max salary query in sqlwrite a sql query to get the nth highest salary from the employee table how to highest salary in sqlselect max 3 salary in sqlsecond highest salary insqlget kth largest element sqlhow to find the 2nd highest salary in sql serversecond minimum salary in sqlquery to find second highest salarysecond highest salary query in sql2nd highest salary in sql practicemax 4th salary from employe tablesql query highest salaryget second most highest salary sqlhighest 2nd salary in sqlhow to find out 2nd highest salary in sqlwrite sql query for getting third highest salary from given salary columnsecond highest salary employee sql2nd highest salary in each department sqlquery to find 3rd largest salarysecond largest sql querysql to find the nth highest salary14th highest salary sql9th max salary from sqlsql query for highest salaryn highest salary in mysql using correlated subquerysql query to select second highest salary2 highest salary in mysqllist the employee with the second height salaryhow to get 2nd highest salaries in sql 3ffind out third highest salary in sqlquery to find 5th highest salary in sql5th highest salary in sql serverfind 3rd highest salary in sqlsql query to find third highest salaryfinding highest salary in sqlsql query for 3rd highest salary3 highest salary in sqlhow to select top 3 salary in last 30 dayswrite sql query to find second highest salary of employeesecond highest salary my sqlsecond highest salary in sql using ranksecond highest salary in sqlfifth highest salary in sqlsql query for getting third highest salary from given salary columnsql query to show the second highest salary from a tablehow to 3rd maximum salary in sql querysecond highest salary sql serverfind the 2nd highest salary of an emplyeesecond highest salary in teradataselect the 3rd highest salary sqlhow to get highest salary in sqlfind second max in sqlfind out the highest salary in sqlquery for second highest salaryselect highest salary in sql3rd highest salary in sqlselect third max salary in sqlfind 3 highest salary sqlsql query kth highest salary find the 2nd largest salary in sqldisplay the nth highest salary drawing employee details mysqlget n highest salary sqlsecond nd max salary in sqlhow to find the 2nd highest salary in sqlsql to find second highest salaryhow to get a second highest salary in sqlwrite a query to return top 5th record of an employee based on salary given all required columns are present in same tablehighest nth salary in sqlquery second highest salary sqlfind third maximum salary sqlsql query to find 2nd maximum salary5th highest salary in sqlmin max salary in sqlsql query to find 3rd highest salaryemployee second highest salary in sqlselect third highest salary in sqlhow to display second highest salary in sqlfind second highest salary sqlwrite a sql query to get the second highest salary from the employee table dquery display 5 th highest salarykth largest salary in sql order byfind the second largest salary in sql queryfind 2nd largest 28salary 29 write the query2nd min salary in sql3rd highest salary sql queryhow to select 2nd highest salary in sqlhow to findout third max salary form table3rd highest salary from employee table sql querynth highest salary in mysqlfind n highest salary in sqlsql query to find out the second highest salary to get second max employee salary sql querycalculate second highest salary in sqlselect 3rd max salary in sqlquery for taking second max salary in sqlget second highest salary sql3rd highest salary in sql using limit7th highest salary in sqlsecond highest salary sql using limitt sql second highest salaryn m sqlhow to find 2nd lowest salary in sqlselect 4 highest salary in sqlgive second highest salary in sqlhow to find maximum salary without using max function in sqlget second highest record in sqlsql query to find third max salarysql query for find second highest salaryfind out the 2nd highest salary in sqlfind the nth highest salary in sql5th highest salary sqlhow to find second highest salary in sql without using subqueryhow to find out the third highest salary in sqluse limit in mysql to find nth highest salaryfind second highest salary in sql using limithow to get 4th highest salary in sqlsecond highest salary sqlsql to find third highest salarygetting 3rd highest salary sqlget kth largest element sql dense rankwrite a query for getting second largest salary from table 22employee 22 captionless imageget 2nd highest salary in sql serverhow to find top 2 salary in sqlsql get second highest value3 max salary in sqlhow to get 2nd max salary in sqlnth highest salary sql4th highest salary in sql using limitselect the 5 th highest salary in sqlprint second highest salary in sqlsecond highest salaryhighest salary sql queryget third highest salary in my sqlhow to find 3rd highest salary oehr in sqlselect distinct 28salary 29 from table order by salary desc limit n 2c1sql query to find the second highest salary of employee 3fhow to find nth highest salary in sqlmin salary in sqlquery to display 2nd highest salary in sqlhow to find 2nd highest salary in sqlwrite a query to get third highest value oraclefind maximum salary in sqlthird highest salary in sql