lowest salary in sql

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showing results for - "lowest salary in sql"
23 Jan 2018
1SELECT TOP 1 salary
4FROM #Employee
6) AS temp
7ORDER BY salary
28 Aug 2020
1SELECT first_name, last_name, salary, job_id
2FROM employees
3WHERE salary = (SELECT MIN(salary) FROM employees); 
18 Sep 2017
7Here is the solution for nth highest
8salary from employees table 
31 Jun 2020
16 Aug 2018
1SELECT salary FROM Employee ORDER BY salary DESC LIMIT N-1, 1
queries leading to this page
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sqlsql query to find lowest salarysql get 3rd highest salaryfind the 2nd highest salary in sqlsecond maximum salary in sqlfind third highest salary in sql serverselect nth highest salarythird max salary in sqlhow to find nth highest salary in sqlsecond nth highest salary in sqlsql return highest and lowest value from a tablehow to display second highest salary in sqlget second highest salary in sql using ctehow to print nth highest salary in sqlfirst max salary in sqlhow to only get the highest salary in sql sql query to display 2nd highest salaried employee details and may ask for nth highestsql query to find highest salarysql query to find details of highest salarynth highest salary in sql using correlated subqueryhow to pull 3rd maximum record sqlnth highest salary sqlwrite a sql query to print highest salary in 3 consecutive years4th maximum salary using subquerylowest number in sql queryfind nth highest salary of an employeehow to find out 2nd highest salary in sqlget 3rd highest salary in sqlhow to get third highest salary in sqlsql get least paid finding lowest in sqlhow to find the 2nd highest salary in sql servern highest salary in mysql using correlated subquerysecond most highest salary in sqlwrite a sql query to get the third highest salary of an employee from employee table 3f2nd highest salary in sql using limitmax 3 salary in sqlhow to find highest salary in sqlselect distinct 28salary 29 from table order by salary desc limit n 2c1minimum salary sql querynth salary in sql serverhow to calculate the second highest salary in sqlsql highest salaryfind nth highest record in sqlsql query for second highest salaryselect third max salary in sqlrite a sql query to get the nth highest salary from the employee table give second highest salary in sql3rd highest salary sql queryhighest salary sql querygetting 3rd highest salary sqlsql problem to find nth highest salaryfind second highest salary in sqlhow to get 2nd highest salary in sqlfifth highest salary in sqlnth largest number sql query3rd height salary sqlhow to find out 3rd highest salary in sqln max salary in sqlhow to find the tenth highest salary in sqlhow to get highest salary in sqltop 2nd highest salary in sqlhighest 2nd salary in sqlfind the n highest salary in sqlhow to find the second highest number in sqlhow to find third highest salary in sqldquery display 5 th highest salaryfind 2nd rank in sqlhow to find 3rd highest salary in sqlfind 5th highest salary in sqlget kth largest element sql dense ranksql highest nt14th highest salary sqlsecond highest salary codesecond highest salary fastestsecond highest salary in sql using ranknth highest salary in sql serversql to find third highest salarynth maximum salary in sqlquery to find 2nd largest salary in sqlselect second highest salary in sqlget nth salary sql serverfind n highest salary in sqlselect highest to lowest salary in sqllowest salaries sql3rd salary in sql select 5th highest salary in sqlsql select highest salarysecond highest salary in sql using maxwrite a query to find the 4th maximum salary in the employees tablehow to get 2nd and rd highest salary in sqlget kth largest element sql3rd highest salary in sql serverfind 3rd highest salary in sqlhighest nth salary in sqlhow to find second largest salary in sqlhow to find 10th highest salary in sqlquery to find nth highest salary4th maximum salary in sqlhighest salary in sqlhow to get fifth highest salary in sqlnth highest salary in mysql4th highest salary in sqlwrite a query to find nth highest salaryhow to get second highest salary in sqlhow to get the 2nd highest salary in sqlhow would you find the 10th highest employee salary in the employee table 3f2nd maximum salary in sql serverfind lowest value in table column sqlhow to find nth highest salarysql third highest salarynth highest salary in sql using ctehow to get highest salary in sql serverhow to highest salary in sqllowest salary in sql