query to find 2nd largest salary in sql

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showing results for - "query to find 2nd largest salary in sql"
14 May 2016
1/* sql 2nd highest salary employee */
2select sal, ename
3from emp
4where sal =
5    (
6        select max(sal) from emp where sal <
7            (select max(sal) from emp)
8    )
9----------------------------------------------- option 2
10select *
13    select ename, sal, dense_rank() over(order by sal desc) rank
14    from emp
16where rank =2;
23 Oct 2020
7Here is the solution for nth highest
8salary from employees table 
17 Apr 2016
1SELECT MAX(salary) FROM Employee WHERE Salary NOT IN ( SELECT Max(Salary) FROM Employee);
queries leading to this page
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find 2nd largest salary in sqlthird largest salary in sqlsql query to second highest salaryhow to find second highest salary in sql2nd highest salary in sql using limitfind second largest salary in sqlhow to find highest average in sqlsql query second highest salarysecond lowest salary in sqlsecond highest salary in sql serverhow to find the second max salary in sqlselect second max salary in sqlhow to get 2nd and rd highest salary in sqlquery to find 2nd highest salarylowest salary in sqltop 2nd highest salary in sql2nd largest salary in sqlfind third highest salary in sqlsql query for second highest salaryselect 2nd highest salary from employee table in sqlhow to set second largest salary in sqlsecond max salary in sqlfind second maximum salary in sqlto get second highest salary in sqlnth highest salary in sql serverorder by second highest salary in sqlfind the 2nd highest salary in sqlsql query to get the 3rd highest salaryhow to find highest salary in sqlsql server 2nd highest 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select second highest salaryselect nth highest salary in sqlhow to get 2nd highest salaries in sql 3fsql query to get second highest salaryfind out third highest salary in sqlfind 3rd highest salary in sqlsql query to find third highest salaryhow to query second lowest salary from employee table in sqlget second highest salary today in sqlhow to get second highest salary in each department in sqlwrite sql query to find second highest salary of employeesecond largest in sql querysecond highest salary my sqlsecond highest salary in sqlhow to find 2nd highest number in sqlsql query to show the second highest salary from a tablesecond highest salary sql serverhow to get highest salary in sqlcoderbyte mysql challenge mysql challenge 2c your query should return the informatioi for the employee with the third highest salary query for second highest salary3rd highest salary in sqlselect highest salary in sqlfind the 2nd largest salary in sqlhow to find the 2nd highest salary in sqlsql to find 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second highest salary in sqlsecond highest salaryhow to find 3rd highest salary oehr in sqlsql query to find the second highest salary of employee 3ffind second highest salary in sql without subqueryhow to find 2nd highest salary in sqlquery to find 2nd largest salary in sql