ticket sales java program

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22 Jan 2018
1Enter the taxable income: $41000
2The income tax payable is: $2200.00
3Enter the taxable income: $62000
4The income tax payable is: $6600.00
5Enter the taxable income: $73123
6The income tax payable is: $9936.90
7Enter the taxable income: $84328
8The income tax payable is: $13298.40
9Enter the taxable income: $-1
10 Jan 2018
1int grid[][] = new int[12][8];   // a 12×8 grid of int
2grid[0][0] = 8;
3grid[1][1] = 5;
4System.out.println(grid.length);      // 12
5System.out.println(grid[0].length);   // 8
6System.out.println(grid[11].length);  // 8
30 Sep 2018
1import java.util.Scanner;
3 * Prompt user for an int, and print its equivalent hexadecimal number.
4 */
5public class Dec2Hex {
6   public static void main(String[] args) {
7      // Declare variables
8      int dec;              // The input decimal number in "int"
9      String hexStr = "";   // The equivalent hex String, to accumulate from an empty String
10      int radix = 16;       // Hex radix
11      char[] hexChars =     // Use this array as lookup table for converting 0-15 to 0-9A-F
12         {'0','1','2','3', '4','5','6','7', '8','9','A','B', 'C','D','E','F'};
13      Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
15      // Prompt and read input as "int"
16      System.out.print("Enter a decimal number: ");
17      dec = in.nextInt();
19      // Repeated modulus/division and get the hex digits (0-15) in reverse order
20      while (dec > 0) {
21         int hexDigit = dec % radix;   // 0-15
22         hexStr = hexChars[hexDigit] + hexStr;  // Append in front of the hex string corresponds to reverse order
23         dec = dec / radix;
24      }
25      System.out.println("The equivalent hexadecimal number is " + hexStr);
26      in.close();
27   }
10 Jan 2018
1public class Array2DWithDifferentLength {
2   public static void main(String[] args) {
3      int[][] grid = {
4         {1, 2},
5         {3, 4, 5},
6         {6, 7, 8, 9}
7      };
9      // Print grid
10      for (int y = 0; y < grid.length; ++y) {
11         for (int x = 0; x < grid[y].length; ++x) {
12            System.out.printf("%2d", grid[y][x]);
13         }
14         System.out.println();
15      }
17      // Another 2D array
18      int[][] grid1 = new int[3][];
19      grid1[0] = new int[2];
20      grid1[1] = new int[3];
21      grid1[2] = new int[4];
23      // Print grid - all elements init to 0
24      for (int y = 0; y < grid1.length; ++y) {
25         for (int x = 0; x < grid1[y].length; ++x) {
26            System.out.printf("%2d", grid1[y][x]);
27         }
28         System.out.println();
29      }
30   }
05 Oct 2016
1import java.util.Scanner;
3 * Prompt user for the length and all the elements of an array; and print [a1, a2, ..., an]
4 */
5public class ReadPrintArray {
6   public static void main(String[] args) {
7      // Declare variables
8      int numItems;
9      int[] items;   // Declare array name, to be allocated after numItems is known
10      Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
12      // Prompt for a non-negative integer for the number of items;
13      // and read the input as "int". No input validation.
14      System.out.print("Enter the number of items: ");
15      numItems = in.nextInt();
17      // Allocate the array
18      items = new int[numItems];
20      // Prompt and read the items into the "int" array, only if array length > 0
21      if (items.length > 0) {
22         System.out.print("Enter the value of all items (separated by space): ");
23         for (int i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
24            items[i] = in.nextInt();
25         }
26      }
28      // Print array contents, need to handle first item and subsequent items differently
29      System.out.print("The values are: [");
30      for (int i = 0; i < items.length; ++i) {
31         if (i == 0) {
32            // Print the first item without a leading commas
33            System.out.print(items[0]);
34         } else {
35            // Print the subsequent items with a leading commas
36            System.out.print(", " + items[i]);
37         }
38      }
39      System.out.println("]");
40      in.close();
41   }
04 Mar 2016
2 * Input via a Dialog box
3 */
4import javax.swing.JOptionPane;   // Needed to use JOptionPane
5public class JOptionPaneTest {
6   public static void main(String[] args) {
7      String radiusStr;
8      double radius, area;
9      // Read input String from dialog box
10      radiusStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the radius of the circle");
11      radius = Double.parseDouble(radiusStr);   // Convert String to double
12      area = radius*radius*Math.PI;
13      System.out.println("The area is " + area);
14   }
22 Sep 2016
1import java.util.Scanner;
2import java.util.Arrays;   // for Arrays.toString()
4 * Print the horizontal and vertical histograms of grades.
5 */
6public class GradesHistograms {
7   public static void main(String[] args) {
8      // Declare variables
9      int numStudents;
10      int[] grades;  // Declare array name, to be allocated after numStudents is known
11      int[] bins = new int[10];  // int array of 10 histogram bins for 0-9, 10-19, ..., 90-100
12      Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
14      // Prompt and read the number of students as "int"
15      System.out.print("Enter the number of students: ");
16      numStudents = in.nextInt();
18      // Allocate the array
19      grades = new int[numStudents];
21      // Prompt and read the grades into the int array "grades"
22      for (int i = 0; i < grades.length; ++i) {
23         System.out.print("Enter the grade for student " + (i + 1) + ": ");
24         grades[i] = in.nextInt();
25      }
26      // Print array for debugging
27      System.out.println(Arrays.toString(grades));
29      // Populate the histogram bins
30      for (int grade : grades) {
31         if (grade == 100) {   // Need to handle 90-100 separately as it has 11 items.
32            ++bins[9];
33         } else {
34            ++bins[grade/10];
35         }
36      }
37      // Print array for debugging
38      System.out.println(Arrays.toString(bins));
40      // Print the horizontal histogram
41      // Rows are the histogram bins[0] to bins[9]
42      // Columns are the counts in each bins[i]
43      for (int binIdx = 0; binIdx < bins.length; ++binIdx) {
44         // Print label
45         if (binIdx != 9) {  // Need to handle 90-100 separately as it has 11 items
46            System.out.printf("%2d-%3d: ", binIdx*10, binIdx*10+9);
47         } else {
48            System.out.printf("%2d-%3d: ", 90, 100);
49         }
50         // Print columns of stars
51         for (int itemNo = 0; itemNo < bins[binIdx]; ++itemNo) {  // one star per item
52            System.out.print("*");
53         }
54         System.out.println();
55      }
57      // Find the max value among the bins
58      int binMax = bins[0];
59      for (int binIdx = 1; binIdx < bins.length; ++binIdx) {
60         if (binMax < bins[binIdx]) binMax = bins[binIdx];
61      }
63      // Print the Vertical histogram
64      // Columns are the histogram bins[0] to bins[9]
65      // Rows are the levels from binMax down to 1
66      for (int level = binMax; level > 0; --level) {
67         for (int binIdx = 0; binIdx < bins.length; ++binIdx) {
68            if (bins[binIdx] >= level) {
69               System.out.print("   *   ");
70            } else {
71               System.out.print("       ");
72            }
73         }
74         System.out.println();
75      }
76      // Print label
77      for (int binIdx = 0; binIdx < bins.length; ++binIdx) {
78         System.out.printf("%3d-%-3d", binIdx*10, (binIdx != 9) ? binIdx * 10 + 9 : 100);
79            // Use '-' flag for left-aligned
80      }
81      System.out.println();
83      in.close();  // Close the Scanner
84   }
22 Apr 2018
1Enter the taxable income: $41234
2The income tax payable is: $2246.80
4Enter the taxable income: $67891The income tax payable is: $8367.30
6Enter the taxable income: $85432
7The income tax payable is: $13629.60
9Enter the taxable income: $12345
10The income tax payable is: $0.00
13 Jul 2018
1Enter a decimal number: 1234
2The equivalent hexadecimal number is 4D2
13 Mar 2017
1import java.util.Scanner;   // For keyboard input
3 * 1. Prompt user for the taxable income in integer.
4 * 2. Read input as "int".
5 * 3. Compute the tax payable using nested-if in "double".
6 * 4. Print the values rounded to 2 decimal places.
7 * 5. Repeat until user enter -1.
8 */
9public class IncomeTaxCalculatorSentinel {
10   public static void main(String[] args) {
11      // Declare constants first (variables may use these constants)
12      final double TAX_RATE_ABOVE_20K = 0.1;
13      final double TAX_RATE_ABOVE_40K = 0.2;
14      final double TAX_RATE_ABOVE_60K = 0.3;
15      final int SENTINEL = -1;    // Terminating value for input
17      // Declare variables
18      int taxableIncome;
19      double taxPayable;
20      Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
22      // Read the first input to "seed" the while loop
23      System.out.print("Enter the taxable income: $");
24      taxableIncome = in.nextInt();
26      while (taxableIncome != SENTINEL) {
27         // Compute tax payable in "double" using a nested-if to handle 4 cases
28         if (taxableIncome > 60000) {
29            taxPayable = 20000 * TAX_RATE_ABOVE_20K
30                         + 20000 * TAX_RATE_ABOVE_40K
31                         + (taxableIncome - 60000) * TAX_RATE_ABOVE_60K;
32         } else if (taxableIncome > 40000) {
33            taxPayable = 20000 * TAX_RATE_ABOVE_20K
34                         + (taxableIncome - 40000) * TAX_RATE_ABOVE_40K;
35         } else if (taxableIncome > 20000) {
36            taxPayable = (taxableIncome - 20000) * TAX_RATE_ABOVE_20K;
37         } else {
38            taxPayable = 0;
39         }
41         // Print result rounded to 2 decimal places
42         System.out.printf("The income tax payable is: $%.2f%n", taxPayable);
44         // Read the next input
45         System.out.print("Enter the taxable income: $");
46         taxableIncome = in.nextInt();
47         // Repeat the loop body, only if the input is not the SENTINEL value.
48         // Take note that you need to repeat these two statements inside/outside the loop!
49      }
50      System.out.println("bye!");
51      in.close();  // Close Scanner
52   }