using componentdidmount with fetch

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showing results for - "using componentdidmount with fetch"
08 Jul 2018
1Component with Data
2class App extends React.Component {
3  constructor(props) {
4    super(props);
5    this.state = {
6      items: [],
7      isLoaded: false,
8    };
9  }
11  componentDidMount() {
12    fetch('')
13      .then(res => res.json())
14      .then(result => {
15        this.setState({
16          isLoaded: true,
17          items: result
18        });
19      });
20  }
22  render() {
23    const { items } = this.state;
24    if (!isLoaded) {
25      return <div>Loading ... </div>;
26    } else {
27      return (
28        <ul>
29          { => (
30            <li key={}>
31              <h3>{item.title}</h3>
32              <p>{item.body}</p>
33            </li>
34          ))}
35        </ul>
36      );
37    }
38  }
40Fetching Data - Ha
20 Jan 2017
1import React, { Component } from 'react';
2class App extends Component {
3  constructor(props) {
4    super(props);
5    this.state = {
6      data: null,
7    };
8  }
9  componentDidMount() {
10    fetch('')
11      .then(response => response.json())
12      .then(data => this.setState({ data }));
13  }
14  ...
16export default App;
queries leading to this page
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