javascript capitalize all words

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08 Jan 2021
1//capitalize only the first letter of the string. 
2function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
3    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
5//capitalize all words of a string. 
6function capitalizeWords(string) {
7    return string.replace(/(?:^|\s)\S/g, function(a) { return a.toUpperCase(); });
10 Oct 2017
15 Jan 2018
1function toTitleCase(str) {
2    return str.replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){
3        return txt.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + txt.substr(1).toLowerCase();
4    });
20 Aug 2016
2//capitalize only the first letter of the string. 
3function capitalizeFirstLetter(string) {
4    return string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1);
6//capitalize all words of a string. 
7function capitalizeWords(string) {
8    return string.replace(/(?:^|\s)\S/g, function(a) { return a.toUpperCase(); });
26 Jan 2019
1const capitalizeFirstLetter(string) => 
2	string.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + string.slice(1).toLowerCase()
03 May 2020
1export function capitalize(str: string, all: boolean = false) {
2  if (all)
3    return str.split(' ').map(s => capitalize(s)).join(' ');
4  return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1);
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jsjavascript capitalize first letter of sentencejavascript string first character to uppercasecapitalize first letter of a string javascriptmake first letter lowercase javascriptjavascript string first char upperjavascript first letter upperupperacase first letter jsjavascript first charactor to uppercasehow to uppercase 1st letter jscapitalize first letters of string javascriptfunction to capitalize all letters javascriptfirst letter of words uppercase javascriptcapitalize all first letters function jsjavacscript capitalizehow to put the letter of words in uppercase javascriptto capitalize 28 29 javascriptfirst letter of string capital in javascriptconvert first letter to uppercase using javascriptjavascript capitalize part of stringtypescript uppercase one ofcapitalize the first letter of every word in a string javascriptsplit at capital letter javascriptjs make first letter capitalslice uppercasejavascript string to lowercase and the first characterjavascript make string start with 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in jsjs first letter capitalcapital alphabet array javascriptdecapitalize first letter in javascriptfirst letter to uppercas javasc riptupper case first letterjavascript capitalize every other lettersplit by capital letter javascripthow to cap first letter in javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of wordcapitalcase in javasciptinput first letter capitalize jshow to capital in javascripthow to uppercase a letter in jsjavascript caps first letterjs string to capital lettersjavascript capitalize letterhow to capitalize first letter in javascriptcapitalize first letter to each word javascriptjavascript string capitalize all wordsjavascript capital letter firstreturn string charat 280 29 touppercase 28 29 2b string slice 281 29 3bjs capitalise first letterhow to capitalize first letter in javascript of each word in a stringjavascript string first letter small and middle latter capital letterswhy we write s capital in javascriptjs uppercase all letterscapitalize the first letter of the stringdetect a capital letters jsmake first letter of word uppercase javascriptcaptilize in jsjs upper first casehow to put the first letter of each word in upper case javascripthow to split a string based on capital letter in javascriptjavascript text transform capitalizereturn array all capital letters javascriptjs make all first letters capital in wordmake first letter in string uppercase javascriptcharat 280 29 touppercase 28 29 js uppercase first letter rest in lowercasehow to make the first letter of a word capital in javascriptmake first letter capital javascript inbuildcapatalize string jsjs capitalze first letteruppercase the first letter of array jscapitalize first lettr in a paragrah in jsget the capital letter in javascriptcapitalized function in jsjavascript text capitalize each word first lettercapatilise string in jshow to convert the string first letter to upper case in javascriptyfirst letter of every name should be capital javascriptconvert each word to uppercase javascriptjavascript capitalize wordsthow to make every new letter a capital in jsadd uppercase to first letter nodejsjavajavascript capitalizehow to capitlize for letter in word jsmake first letter of string uppercase javascriptjavascript string uppercase first letter and lowercase restw3 javascript string methods capitalizeconverts the first letter of each word of the string in uppercase in javascripthow to convert first letter of string to uppercase in jstolowercase for first letter only javascriptjavascript statement which helps you to capitalize the first letter of a string that is stored in a variablehow to properly captilise something in jsconvert all string to capital jscapitalise a string in javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter in a stringcapitalize string jsjavascript capitalize wordhset word first character to uppercase javasripthow to capitalize a word jsfunction name will capitalize in jsfirst letter string uppercase javascriptjs language capitalize first letter es6capitilize first letter jsjavascript first character uppercase mdnjavascript nodejs uppercaseto just first upper javascriptcapitalize all words javascriptcapitalize first letter of a word in es6js first capital letterword start uppercase in jsconvedrt to uppercase javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of words in stringjs capitalize charsplit where letters are capitalized jsmake first letter capitalized in javascriptjavascript string capitalized first letterjavascript capitalize first charachterstring to lower ucfirst get name first letter capitalauto capitalize first letter javascripthow to convert a first character of every string into capital in jsmake the first letter capital in javascriptjs make the first word capitaljs to capitalijs split string on all capsdoes uppercase change the string in javascripthow to capitalize first letter in a variable in jswhy ucase in reactjshow to make first letter uppercase in javascriptjs text capilizeconvert string start to capitalize javascriptcreate a function that capitalizes all characters in a string javascripthow to capitalize word in javascripthow to make 1st letter capital in vuemake first letter capital javascriptlowercase uppercase first javascripthow to capitalize first word to uppercase in javascripthow to make just the first letter of a word capital in javascriptjavascript change first letter to lowercasejs string cap first letterhow to create a function that takes a string as an argument and converts the first character of each word to uppercase in javascripthow to lowercase after first letter in jscapitalize first letter javascriptjavascript capitalize first from uppercasestring uppercase first letter jscapitalive first letter of a sentence jsmake first letter uppercase javascriptcapitalize with javascriptselect a word and capitilize its first letter javascriptjs capitlize first lettercapitalize first jsjavascript capitalize all first lettersjavascript capitaliez wordsjs string first caractere uppercasehow to make a string capitalized in javascriptjavascript string to first letter uppercasejs is capital letterfirst letter should be capital in javascriptcapitalize function in jscapital letters javascriptcapitalize first letter jsinput first letter capitalize js exampleis there a capitalize method for javascripthow to convert first letter of string to lowercase in javascripthow to put capital letter in javascriptnodejs capitalize name first letterjavascript string format first uppercasejavascript method to capitalize first letter of string examplestring into first uppercase letterjs split string on capital letteronly first letter capital in jsfirst character uppercase javascriptfirst letter capitalized javascript htmljavascript capital letter functionjavascript capitalize first charhow can javascript change the characters in a string to contain only uppercase letters 3fcapitalizes first letter in javascriptchange first letter to lowercase javascripthow to make every first 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a stringto capitalize case javascripthow to upper casde a string jsfirst letter to uppercase javascriptjavascript make the first letter of every word in an array capitalstring first letter uppercasecapitilize the first letter in each word in a string javascriptput first letter uppercase jsjavascript capitalizer first letter of stringcamelcase with first letter uppercasehow to capitalize string first letter in js and return whole stringseparate words by capital letter javascripthow to capitalize a string in jshow to return a sentences wiith first letter of each word capitalized javascripthow to capitalize a letter in javascriptjavascript capitalize wordjavascript capitalize full stringhow to return word with first letter capitalize in jshow to check first character of a string is uppercase in javascripthow to find capital letter in an string javascripttypescript string capitalize first lettercapitalize each word in string javascriptletter to uppercase javascriptjs make first letter uppercasejavascript make string capitaljs split by capital letterhow do i capitalize first and 5th letter of a string in javascripthow to uppercase 1 character in javascripttoupper first letter javascripthow to make my string the first letter to be upper caseconvert 1st letter to uppercase in jsname should have first letters capitalized java scriptjavascript capitalize all wordscapitalize first letter jqueryjavascript uppercase first wordupperfirst jsfirst letter capital in js mapcapitalize first letter of string jscapitalize first let of word javascriptwrite javascript function6 09that accepts a string as a parameter and converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper case one upper case javascripthow to make first character of string uppercasejavascript capitalize first letter es6capitalized function in javascriptjs upper case first letter of stringhow to make the first letter big in javacripthow to capitalize first letter of each word in a string javascripthow to get the first symbol get uppercase in javascriptstring capital first letter javascripthow to capitalize text in jsjavascript 1 letter touppercasejs upper case first letter of each wordjs capitalizafirst letter big javascriptmake first letter caps javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of each word regexcapitalize second letter jsfirst letter is capitalized jssplit by capital letters javascriptcapitalize a word in jscapitalize first letter after space javascriptcreate a string with 5 6 words all small letters write code to convert first letter of all words to capital letters in javascriptturn every first character to uppercase in javascriptcapitalize method in javascriptcapitalize first letter of first word in a paragrah in jsjavascript capitalize textjs start each word with upper casejavascript capitalizefirstletterjavascript upperfirsthow to make the first letter of each word in the string capitalized in javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter of word and lowercase 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javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter site 3apinterest 2ajs string capitalizemaking every first letter uppercase in an array javascriptjavascript text capitalizejavascript 2c uppercase first letterjavascript capitalize stringcapitalzie one char javbascripthow to show first letter capital in javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter arrayfirst letter uppercase javascriptjs camelizefirst letter capitalize in evey word javascriptjavascript string captilizecapitalize the words in the text in javascriptchange first letter of string to uppercase javascriptjs first character uppercasejs regex capitalize first letterjs make all letter capitaljs tocapitalizehow to capitalize each sentence in javascriptjs string capitalize each wordjavascript capitalize wordvmake capital in javascriptcapitalize the first letter of a word in javascripthow do i write first character inj uppercase in javascriptjavascript upper firstfirst capital in sentence jscapitalize only first letter of uppercase stringcharacter uppercase javascriptjavascript upper first letterfunction to capitalize first letter in javascriptextract the words javascript capitalizelowercase first letter jsjs code to convert capital string into samall lettersall words begins with uppercase javascriptfix name in javascript capitalize first letter and rest lowercasecapitalise the first letter of a word jsjavascript split string by uppercasejavascript ucfirst equivalenthow to capitalize the first letter of each word in javascriptjs upper the first lettersplit word before capital letters javascriptmake the first letter capital in jscapitalize first letter of words in string javascript regexuppercase for first letter of all word jshow to first word caps with javascriptjs method for capital each wordhow to make first word capital of string javascriptturn string to uppercase on first letter jsjavascript uppercase one lettercreate a function to change a word to uppercase in javascripthow to make all letter capital jsconvert first letter capital in a frase javascriptjs convert first letter to uppercaseconvert uppercase to capitalize and remove 27 27 in javascriptuppercase every first letter javascriptcapitalize only first letter jscapitalize just one letter javascriptfirst capital lettercapitalize each word in a string javascriptstring uppercase first letter javascript tofirst character upper case in jsjavascript word first letter uppercasehow to capitalize first letter of each word in javascriptjavascript all string first letter uppercasecapitilize words jscapitalize first letter of every word javascriptjs upper first lettercapitalize all words in string using javascript 5ccapitalize 28 29 javascriptcapitaliaze javascriptsplit javascript capital letterhow to capitalize first letters in a string jscan we add capital letters in javscript finctionshow to make capitalize in jswrite a javascript function that takes a paragraph or sentence from an input field to perform the following 3a i make the string 27s first character of all the words to uppercase ii print each word 27s position and its length first letter into uppercasejavascript ignorecasehow to make first letter capital in javasceriptjavascript capitalhow to capitalize first letter in word jsjs capitalise first letter of stringchange first letter to capital in jshow to capitalize 1st letter in jsjavascript uppercase first letter es6uppercase first letter typescripthow to capitalize the first letter of a string in javascriptuppercase entire string jsjs firs letter uppercasecapitalize each word in jscapitalise javascriptmake first word of a letter uppercase javascriptjs capitalize first letter in arrayhow to capitalize first letter in jsmake first leter capital nodejsjavascript uppercase a letter in stringuppercase the first letter namehow to capitalize first letter of word in javascriptjavascript first letter uppercase es6capitalize javascript stringhow to check the first character in upper case in jshow to put uppercase in the first letter javascriptcapitalize something in js1st letter uppercase in jscapitalize jascapitalizing first letter of every word javascriptconvert first letter of each word to a capital javascriptreplace capital letters javascriptjavascript first letter of each word uppercasejavascript how capital lettershow to capitalize the first letter of every word in a string in javascriptstr capitalize jswrite a js function that takes one argument 3a a sentence 28string 29 this function returns a string with only the first letter from each word of the sentenceword capitalize first letter in jsmake firsat letter of word uppercase javscriptcapitalize jsuppercase to capitalize javascript tolowercasefirst character to uppercase javascriptuppercase the first letter jsjavascript string capitalize first letter of each wordjs capitalize every wordjavascirpt toupper first leterfirst character upper casejavascript make all first letter uppercasefirst letter capital of paragraph jsjavascript automatic capitalizationfunction for converting first letter to uppercaseauto capitalize in javascriptjs all capshow to replace first letter of string to cappital jscapitalize in javaripthow to capitalize a word in jscapitalizing the first character in a string javascrpitcapital letter variables jscapitalize first letter of word string javascriptenter small letter to capital javascriptdisplay with first letter capital jsnodejs make first letter uppercasefirst uppercasejavascript string word to uppercase first letterhow to capitalized just the first letter in a name jshow to set the first letter to uppercase in jsjavascript convert string to first letter uppercasejs full name first letter capitalreturn first capitalize first letterjavascript uppercase first letter of each word in stringhow to make string letter capital javascriptjavascript convert first letter to uppercase and get first letterjavascript uppercase first character of each wordmake string first letter capital javascriptsub uppercase javascriptjs string capitalize all letterschange to capital in jsjavascript regex uppercase first letterreplace first letter with capital javascripthow to make string capitalize in javascriptjavascript function to capitalize first letterhow to convert first letter of string to uppercase and all the others lowercase in javascriptcap first letter jsjavascript first capital letterhow to capitalize all words in a string javascriptjavascript first word in string uppercasesplit by uppercase letters jsjavascript first letter of string to uppercasesplit string javascript when there is an uppercase lettersstring first character to uppercase javascriptjavascript capitilize first letterconvert to caps lock javascriptgiven a sentence capitalize each word in the sentence javascriptcapitalize in jscapitaliaze first letter jsmake word capitalize first letter javascriptcapitalize text in javascriptuppercase letter jshow to change the first wordto uppercase in javascriptfirst letter uppercase in javascripttouppercase 28 29 only first letterhow to capitalize first letter in javascript regixjs function capitalize first letterfunction camel 28string 29 7b return string charat 280 29 touppercase 28 29 2b string slice 281 29 3b 7djavascript first letter capitalcapital first letter nodejsjs uppercase only first letterupper case letter jsjs ucfirstcapitalize first letter in each word javascriptcapitalize string node jscapitlize first letter of each word javascriptjavascript capitalize character from stringcapital case javascriptsplit string capital letter capital first letter jsjavascript string first uppercasemake first letter caps in jsnode first letter uppercasehot to make only first lettcapital in jscapitalize first word javascriptuppercase a string javascriptjs capitalizationmake each first letter capital javascriptchange first letter to capital in array javascriptnodejs first letter uppercasejs capitalize first letter stringjs capitalise stringhow to capitalize in node j sjavascript text capitalize style for first character in stringhow to capitalize the first letter in string jsjavascript capitalize first letter of every word in stringhow to convert first letter to uppercasesentence case first letter javascriptsplit a string whenever there is a capital letters javascriptjs capitalizuppercase the first character in string using regex javascriptjs how to make the first letter of a string capitaljs capitalize all words in stringfirst letter of string to uppercase javascripthow to display first letter capital in javascriptfind capital word in string javascriptreplace method on each word to capitalize first letter in jshow to capitalize a letter based on numbers in an array in javascriptconvert any string into uppercase in javascripthow to make a uppercase text just capitalize in jshow to make first letter in capital in javascriptcapitalizeword 28 29 method javascriptcapitalize first letter of each word jsjavascript capitalize first letter of a stringjavascript capitalze first lettermake first character lowercase javascriptjavascript change first letter to uppercasesjs uppercase first letterjavascript method to capitalize first letterjavascript capitalize first letter and lowercase restonly first letter capital in javascriptnodejs first char uppercasefirst letter caps in javascriptcapitalize for nstrings in javascripthow do you make first letter of the string in an uppercaselowercase first letter javascriptcapitalize method injsmake string capital javascriptchange first letter to capital jsuppercase first word javascriptjavascript uppercase only first letterjs full name first letter capitalizeuppercase word javascriptcapitalize first letter of string javascriptfunction to capitalize first letter in javascript with initialshow to turn only the first letter in a string to uppercase javascriptjs string capitalize first letterhow to uppercase a string in javascriptwrite a js program to convert fitst letter uppercase in sentence in jsjavascript how to capitalize first letterjavascript caps stringtypescript capitalize each wordmaking text uppercase in javascriptfirst letter of string is capital in jsjs to capital casefirst letter to uppercasetext to upper case jscapitalize variable in javascriptjs first uppercasejavascript capitalize first letterstring function to capitalize first letter jshow to check if the first letter of a string is capitalized or uppercase in jscapitalize letter javascriptjs capitalize touppercase charatcapitalizes first letter javascriptto capital letters javascriptjavascript capitalise letterhow to capitalize first letter for in loop javascriptjavascript function capitalize all words in a stringmake string start with capital javascriptcapitalize first word of sentence jsjs capitalize only first letterfirst 10 character of string should be capital alphabets using jshow to conver all uppercase to first letter upercasefirst char uppercase javascriptfirst letter capatal in jsjs how put a 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change first letter of string in uppercase jsjs how to capitalize first lettercapitalize first letter of a word in jsreturn string with first characcter capitalized javascriptcapitalize first letter and last letter javascriptjavascript string functions capitalize first lettercapital first letter using jssubstring uppercase javascriptjavascript capitalize wordtjs capitalize stringcheck capital letters javascriptcapitalize function javascriptconvert the first lettter to uppercase in javascript how to make first letter uppercase jsjavascript string upper first lettercapitalize a string in javascripthtml first string uppercasewrite a javasccriipt function that coverts the first letter to uppercasecapitalize first letter in array javascriptjs split string by capital lettersuppercase first letter jsconvert string first letter to caps in javscriptlettercapitalize jsdoes javascript have a capitalize string functioncheck capital letter in javascripthow to capitalize first work on string in javascriptupper words in jscapitalize first letter of each word in a string jswrite a javascript function to capitalize the first letter of each words of a string javascript split at uppercaseuppercase first letter string javascriptuppcase first letter jsjavascript scan first upper characterhow to capitalize string in jshow to make first character uppercase in javascriptjavascript ucfirsttext capitalize in jsconvert small letter to capital in jsset all letters to capital javascriptformat string first letter uppercase javascriptjavascript split string by capital lettershow to capitalize first letter of each word and lower case the restin javascriptstring function to capitalize javascripthow to convert all lower case to first letter uppercase jsmake first letter capscapitalise 28 29 javascriptnodejs capitalize codeconvert small letter to capital in javascripthow to create first letter capitalcapitalize 28 29 jshow to capitalize first letter jscapatalise first letter jscapitalize a string in javascript htmljs string automatically capitalize first letterjs upcase first lettercapitalize first letter javascirptwrite a javascript function that accepts a string as a parameter and converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper casefirst alphabet caps jsjavascript capitalize lettersmethod to capitalize the first letter of string javascriptfunction in js to extract first letter of every word npm packagejavascript split get uppercase charactersget the first capital alphabet in javascriptes6 uppercase first letterauto non capitalize letter with javascripthow to capitalize all letters in word javascriptconvert string to normal first capital javascriptcapitalized functions javascriptjavascript string to case with first letter uppercaseconvert to capital letters in javascriptmake text capital in jschange text to upper case in javascriptcaptalize first letter in stringstring javascript capitalizejs title make first letter uppercasecount uppercase letters in string javascriptjavascript capitalise letterssplit string according to capital letters javascriptcapitalise first letter in word javascriptjavascript capitalize worda capitalize letter on type javascripthow to make first letter of word capital in javascripthow to capitalize first letter in word in jsjs converst string to uppercasejs lower first letterhow to capitalize only the first letter in javascripttocapitalize 28 29 javascriptmake only first letter capital javascripthow to make something start with an uppercase letter jshow to capilize the first letter in jscapitalize first letter javascript methodjavascript first letter lowercasecapitalize the first letter javascriptjs transform first letter to uppercasejs first letter uppercasehow to convert small letters to capital letters in jsmake every element of javascript capitalizeregex first letter uppercasecapitalize method javascriptfisrt upper case jscapitalize first letter of each sentence javascriptcaptalize first letter in jsfirst letter capital letter jscapitalize first letter in input javascriptfunction for capital letter of string in jsconvert capital first word in jsjs caps first letter of stringhow to capitalize all word in jsfirst letter lower case in jsfirst letter of an array to uppercase javascripthow to capitalize letters in javascriptreplace 1st letter caps javascript 27js make first letter captialcapitalize first letter javascript in one linejavascript uppercase whole wordcapitalize first letter in word javascriptjs capitalize first letter in stringcapital in javascriptcheck if first character of a string is uppercase javascriptcapitalize each first letter javascriptjs array capital letterscapitalize first letter es6array of string first letter to capitalize javascriptjavascript capitalizr stringhow to get first leter capital in javascriptuppercase string jsconvert small letter to capital and capital letter to small jscapitalize word string javascriptfirstname uppervase javascriptconvert capital to small letter in javascriptjavascript first sentense uppercasehow to do capital letters js change first character to upperccase jsa function that capitalize string in javascriptcapatalize first letter jsjs format fullname capitalize first letterfirst letter to upper casehow to change uppercase to lowercase and capital first letter in javascriptfirst upper case jsjavascript convert every first letter to uppercasejavascript use first char uppercasecapitalise string using jscapitalize javascrptmake first elements capital letter in jsjs auto capitalizejavascript first word character to uppercasecapital letters uppercase javascriptall letters to uppercase javascripthow to check if the first letter of a string is uppercase javascriptcapitalize characters javascript js capitalize first letter each wordmdn uppercase first lettercapitalize a text in jscapitalize all words in string jsts first letter uppercasemake first letter capital jsfirst alphabet of name in upper case jshow to check the first letter is uppercase or lowercase of a string in javascriptjavascript set first letter lowercasecovert first letter in string to captalize jscapitalize first letter of each word in jeavascriptjavascript how to make character capitaljavascript capitalize first letter of each word in sethow to convert first letter of string into capital in javascriptupper case string jsreplace first word letter to capital in javascriptevery first letter capitalize in text using javascript capitalize javascript 5ces6 uc firsthow to capitalize first letter in name in javascriptget first character of string in caps in typescriptcapitalize letter javascriptfirst letter string jsjs to uppercasejavascript capitalize wordofirst to uppercase javascripthow to capitalize the first character of each word in a string javascriptjavascript convert first letter to uppercasechange words from uppercase to lowercase javascripttypescript capitalize first letter of each wordhow to make new string to uppercase in javascriptjavascript capitalize wordkwrite a program that inputs a series of words until the word e2 80 9cend e2 80 9d is entered the program displays the letters of the word in reverse order 28i e 2c backwards 29 capitalize sentence jsjs first letter uppercase es6convert string first letter capital javascriptstring replace first letter to capital javascriptreplace first chart upercase javascriptjavascript string methods capitalize first letterfirst letter of each word capitalized in jscapitalize first letter nodehow to write first word capital in javascripthow to capitalize a string in javascriptcapitalize first letter of returned datajavascript lowercase first letterhow to make first letter capital from a string in jsfirst half string uppercase javascriptjavascript uppercase first letternode js capitalize stringconvert first letter of every word string to uppercase jshow to convert just first letter to upper casecapital first letter javascrittocapitalize javascriptvanilla javascript convert string into lowercasejavascript changing letters to one letter upjavascript capitalize wordawhat javascript method capitaizeswhat function to use in javascript to capitalizefirst letter upper casehow to write a code that upcase the first letter onlytransform uppercase text in just first letter uppercase javascriptjs capitalize first letter of stringjs practice when you name things first letter uppercasecapitalize first letter of each word in a string javascriptfirst letter touppercasejavascript capitfind a substring in a string and change it to uppercase in javascript es6javascript to sentence casejavascript capitalize the first letter of a stringtext transform first letter uppercase javascripthow to make every text capitalize in string javascriptnode capitalize first letterjavascript capitalise first word 22capitalize sentence 22 jshow to capitalize first letter of word in javascript nodehow to type first letter capital in javascript on type eventcapitalize first letter of string javascritjavascript capitalize wordseto capitalize javascripthow to capitalize the first letterfirst letter upper case textjavascript first letter to uppercasecapitaliz string jsmake first letters capital in javascripthow to do uppercars first letter in javascriptjavascript first letter uppercase functioncapitalize the first letter of every word in javascripthow to look over capital words in javascripthow to chenge only first letter in uppercasecheck capital letter jsinvert capitalize javascriptcapitalization functions jshow to capitalize every word javascriptuppercase specific letter jquerycaptialize word first letter javascript methodcapitalization function javascriptmake all first characters uppercase jsjavascript string firstletterconvert first letter of each word to uppercase javascriptcapitalize in javascriptjavascript capitalize first letter prototypejavascript make first character capitalcapitalize first letter of first word javascriptcapitalize every first letter javascriptfunction return first letter capitalizedcapitalize a word jsjs return uppercase lettercapital j in scripyput first letter capitalcapitalize javascritpcapitalize text using javascriptjavascript make first letter capitaljavascript touppercase first letterjavascript 1st letter uppercasehow to only capitalize the first letter in a java script of a stringcapitalize second letter of string jshow to get uppercase in javascriptbuilt in function find uppercase javascriptget text with first letter uppercase javascripthow to first letter capital in jsmaking character to uppercase in jsfunction for converting string to uppercase in jsjavascript string contains capital small in any orderhow to make the first letter capital of a string in javascriptfirst letter uppercase and other characters javascriptuppcase first letter javascriptsplit a string if it is uppercase letter in javascriptcount capital letters in javascriptjs string start with capitaljavascript capitalize first character of stringcapitalize frist letter jsfirst name capital letter javascriptformat string by changing capital letters in jsfirst letter capitar jsreplace first character in string javascript with uppercasecaptitalize jsjavascript touppercase first stringuppercase to capitalize javascriptjavascript first char to uppercasetext to capitalize in jsturn first letter of a word to upper case jsjavscript capitalizecharacter to uppercase javascripttouppercaseprompt capitalize first letter javascriptjavascript capitalize first ettercapitalize only first letter of string javascript 5cmake first letter uppercasejavascript capitalize wordlmake first letter of string uppercasefunction to make first letter capital in javascriptcapitalize using javascriptconvert first letter of a string to uppercase in javascriptjs when you name things first letter uppercasecapitalize letter of string javascriptjavascript capitalize first cahrjavascript change first letter of word to uppercasehow to convert make first word capital in jsjavascript capitalize 3rh letternode js uppercase first letterupper case first later jsfirst letter uppercase jshow to make all letter capitalized in jsjavascript code to capitalize first letter of all word in a sentencejavascript capitalize words lettercaps for first one jsjavascript first letter uppercase sentencejavascript how to capitalize letterhow to make 1st letter of all the words in the sentence in uppercase iin javascriptstring first character uppercase javascripthow to convert starting letters of words of a sentence to uppercase in jsjs check if 1st letter is capitalstring capitalized javascriptjs string to uppercasecapatalize all words in string jsjavascript first character to upperwrite a javascript function that accept a string as a parameter and converts the first letter of each word of the string in upper casehow to upper case first letterupercase first javacsriptcapitalize javascript functionhow to capitalize all letterrs in a string javascriptcapitalize every word javascriptmethod to capitalize a string in javascriptjs capitalize every word in a strinflower case all words and capitalize first letter all words javascriptnode js captalize first letteruppercase first lettersconvert first letter to uppercase in typescript without using touppercasejavacript capitalizehow to change first letter to uppercase in jscapitalize the first letter jsfunction to captalize words jsfirst letter is capital in jsjs capitalise first letter of every wordhow to make specific letters in a string captialized javascriptjs capitalize and uppercasehow to automatically uppercase in node js first letter if not how to uppercase first letter in string in javascripthow to change text to uppercase in javascriptcapitalize first letter of word in jshow to capitalize every first letter in a word with javascripthow do zou make alo of the first alphabet capital in javascriptcapitalize first letter of a first word in a paragraph in js 22function capitalizevowels 22 javascriptjavascript function capitalize every word in stringcaptalize the first letter in jsjavascript uppercase functionjavascript function that used to uppercase the first letter of wordcapitalized string in javascriptto capitalize jshow to capitalize string in javascriptjs method to capitalizeconvert letter to uppercase javascriptjs only first letter uppercasejavascript to uppercase first letter name of variablejs capitalize all words of a stringuppercase or capitalize string javascriptauto capitalize first letter in javascripthow to make capital letters from any case in javascriptjavascript inbuilt function to uppercase first character of stringjavascript string first letter lowercasejavascript uncaptilizefirst letter uppercase in jsjavascript capitalizeuppercase 1st letter jssplit string in capital letter and capitalize javascripthow to create function for string make uppercase javascriptjs uppercase first letter of wordfirst letter lowercase in jsjavascript set to capitalizeall 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